- ベーカリー
- ヴィーガン
- 吉祥寺・高円寺・中野
- ヴィーガン
コンセプト :
There is no substitute for optimal health and fitness, so indulge your vegan appetite and come out to the newly opened SUNDAY VEGAN bakery. A delightful bakery located near Kichijoji station. Their vision is to present a sincere form of natural, crafted food, moving away from ar-tificial flavors, to recover a reverence for nature. It is a cozy and inviting place, with a bright and cheerful décor, that serves up delicious freshly baked pastries and other treats.キーポイント :
Depth in taste and texture are a distinctive feature of Sunday Vegan. The menu is full of deli-cious options all at reasonable prices (¥350~). The pastries are light and flaky and their coffee and do-nuts make for a perfect combination. The donuts (¥190~) are made fresh on-site throughout the day, us-ing high-quality, natural ingredients.お勧め料理 :
With a steadfast passion for healthful, life giving, plant-based foods that are plucked straight from the earth and a commitment to sustainability for our amazing planet, Sunday Vegan strives to share their food with as many people as possible. Although here are quite a few places that offer vegan menus, Sunday Vegan truly sets itself apart.
- 住所:
- 〒180-0003 東京都武蔵野市吉祥寺南町1-5-6
- アクセス:
- 吉祥寺駅公園口から徒歩6分。
- 電話番号:
- 042-271-1088
- 営業時間:
- 8am-5pm
- 休業日: